
For generations, activists in the United States engaged in struggles for social justice have recognized that a global perspective is essential for analyzing the forces of injustice and devising strategies to overcome them. In almost every case, the social justice issues that demand our attention here are also international in scope.

The US-Africa Network came together in the belief that there is an urgent need to reinvigorate solidarity work between the US and Africa. Our initial goals were to help activists both old and new to rethink, regroup, and claim a space for activism linking progressive movements in Africa and the US.

Progressive work on Africa in the United States is occurring within many organizations focused on different issues and specific countries. The activities of the US-Africa Network as a network of volunteers have included events dealing with multiple issues, as well as provision of resources focused on specific issues. These include climate justice, Ebola, and, since 2015, illicit financial flows and the Stop the Bleeding Africa Campaign.


New Resources by US-Africa Network, January-February 2017

Stop the Bleeding Africa campaign

New Resources by US-Africa Network, Fall 2016

Major US-Africa Network Events:

Stop the Bleeding Campaign Planning Meeting
November 16-18, 2015, Washington, DC

Empowered Africa: A Progressive Dialogue on Sustainability, Peace and Democracy.
August 4, 2014, Washington, DC

US-Africa Solidarity in the 21st Century: A Strategic Discussion
June 21-24, 2013, Kalamazoo, Michigan

More events


Publications Available for Download:
USAN Brochure (PDF)
USAN Summary (PDF)
Empowered Africa Program (PDF)
We All Must Respond to Ebola (PDF)
2013 Annual Report (PDF)
US-Africa Network: One Struggle, Many Fronts, Year-end Letter, 2014